Dangerous foods for our pets. We show you a list.
The nutrition of your pet, dog or cat, is essential for keeping them healthy, keep them away from dangerous foods. Whether you provide them with dry food or wet food (BARF), it is important to be clear about the limits of what’s allowed on their diet and to keep away from their dishes the dangerous foods.
How many times have we had our dog or cat watching us while we eat?
Many people give in to their pleading gaze and give them a piece of food, but be careful, we’ll list a group of foods that are dangerous for them, some of those can even be mortals, pay attention to the following list of dangerous foods for your cat or dog:
Chocolate. What makes chocolate or cocoa part of the dangerous foods list is theobromine, it can cause damage to the nervous and digestive system of the animal. If consumed in large quantities, it can be fatal due to its accumulation in the blood.
Coffee and tea. Caffeine speeds up their heart rate, affects the pet’s nervous system, and can cause digestive problems like stomach ulcers.
Alcohol. It is very dangerous for their health, even in small amounts it is usually toxic, and ingested in large quantities it can cause an alcoholic coma with fatal consequences.
Onions, chives and garlic. They contain thiosulfate, a substance that destroys red blood cells causing anemia in animals. Its ingestion can cause vomiting and diarrhea or symptoms of weakness, including red urine or pale mucous membranes. Garlic has a higher toxicity than onion.
Dairy products. Adult animals do not have the ability to digest lactose, so they can suffer from diarrhea and intestinal problems.
Avocados. Contains persin, its consumption can lead to abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea or, on the contrary, constipation due to inflammation of the digestive system. In dogs, the danger of the ingestion for the consumption of the bone is added, which can cause obstruction of the digestive system.
Grapes and raisins. Its consumption can cause kidney failure in the long term.
Chicken bones. It is common to think that bones are a delicacy for dogs, but you must be careful not to give them cooked and small bones, such as chicken bones, as they could cause choking, rupture of an organ during its passage through the body or suffocation.
Sugar and sweets. The glucose is not digested for cats and dogs as efficient as we do. Sugar contributes to obesity and the development of diabetes, increasing the possibility of the animal going blind.
Yeast and sourdoughs. They can cause breathing problems or intestinal obstruction, since they are not easily digested for them. In dogs, yeast can overgrow their digestive system and cause annoying inflammation of the skin or ear.
Salt. It can be harmful even in small doses, due to its tendency to cause cardiovascular problems. The excess salt can be very harmful to your cat’s body. This mineral in inadequate amounts can throw electrolytes out of balance and cause cells to not function normally. This is normally one of the most common dangerous foods used on pets.
Mushrooms. Due to the toxins they contain, the animal could suffer digestive problems such as vomiting and diarrhea, even reaching states of shock.
Raw eggs. Pets can get salmonella and, in the case of dogs, suffer from skin problems.
Raw Fish. The vitamin B it contains can be very toxic and trigger paralysis, allergies or contagion of anisakis (causing abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting).
Almonds. In the case of dogs, they do not tolerate them in their digestive system.
Spoiled food. Bad food can cause digestive problems.
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