Here you’ll see how to donate. Your monthly support is vital because… the need never ends.
Donaciones donate DIario Adopta


Email: [email protected]


Account holder: Diario Adopta Foundation
Email: [email protected]

Please remember to mention on the note that the donation is for The Pack


Bank: Banesco
Checking Account
Account number: 0134 0059 8105 9101 4935
Account holder: Fundación Diario Adopta
ID / RIF: J-40610203-2
Email: [email protected]

Your donations from other national banks are also welcome!

Quick Pay:

Bank: Banesco (0134)
Phone number: 0414 1192737
ID / RIF: J-40610203-2

Please remember to mention on the note that the donation is for The Pack

If you want to donate food, medicine, pet accessories or cash, please write to us in the Contact section.