selfies con tigres

Selfies with tigers? This tech from Google makes it possible.


Selfies with tigers and wild animals in general is a very prosperous business, but every issue related to animals must be seen from all angles, especially if there is abuse behind the scenes.

Worldwide there are many “zoos” or “sanctuaries” on the side of the roads that offer unsuspecting tourists photos with tigers, lions and other wild animals. Behind this attraction, there is a life of animal abuse, suffered, life-long confinements; but the worst part is the constant sedation.

Yes! No wild animal would pose for a selfie, but this is possible because the “care takers” keep them sedated to get the pictures taken. The danger is that this create a physical and psychological dependence on drugs, in addition to serious withdrawal symptoms.

Undesirable effects that may appear include: lack of coordination of movements (ataxia), confusion, muscle weakness, vertigo, upset stomach, blurred vision, coordination and heart rhythm disorders, tremor, chest pain, yellowing of the skin. Sometimes they can produce aggressive and hostile behavior, hypotension and respiratory depression. Damage to the liver, the organ responsible for processing the medication, which can collapse and end up being fatal to the animal.

This tech from google, augmented reality (AR) is an application which allows you to project a 3D tiger directly and safely into your home. You just need a smartphone or tablet to take your selfie with a tiger in an animal friendly way. No more abuse, mistreatment, or cages.

Source: PETA

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