
Eva was adopted!

We love when our mixed breed dogs like Eva get adopted.

🥳🥳🥳Guess what?🥳🥳🥳

It’s true! I’m so happy that I want to write this down in 100 different languages 🙌🏻. My name is Eva and years ago my godmothers rescued me just to spay me, and it turned out that their hearts wouldn’t let them put me back on the street. 🤷🏻.

After too many ups and downs here I am, happily adopted and pampered.

Thanks to all those who in one way or another were part of my story!


Read this news and comments in spanish on the Instagram of @DiarioAdopta

If you want to adopt a pet, I invite you to browse the section of Dogs and Cats for adoption, so that you can give a home to a rescued animal.