Hi, I’m Gru
Age: 4 years old
Breed: crossbreed
Rescue date: june 2018
We got our big boy when a woman came to our workplace and told us that her son had picked up a kitten from the street but she did not like cats.
She also told us that she was on her way to leave it in the dumpster, but before that she stopped to ask us if we want him.
When we looked up we saw a furry ball of about 20 days old, so he still couldn’t eat on his own and obviously we decided to help him, so we took him off her hands.
That little one is now a fat, furry cat, who gets along with dogs and is used to eat dry cat food and uses the litter box.
He is a loving cat, calm, something curious like all cats, he lets himself be bathed, he likes to receive affection, although not excessively. He is quite docile, he doesn’t have dominating attitudes.
Take home with you this beautiful fat cat who will make your days with him the best of your life.
Read the tip we have for you when you receive Grucito at home.

Please remember to mention on the note that the donation is for Gru
Account holder: Diario Adopta Foundation
Email: [email protected]
Bank: Banesco
Checking Account
Account number: 0134 0059 8105 9101 4935
Account holder: Fundación Diario Adopta
ID / RIF: J-40610203-2
Email: [email protected]
Your donations from other national banks are also welcome!
Quick Pay:
Bank: Banesco (0134)
Phone number: 0414 1192737
ID / RIF: J-40610203-2
Please remember to mention on the note that the donation is for Gru